A Family of 17 Are Trying to Get Back to Their Island for Christmas When Disaster Strikes

World War Ii battle in the Pacific Ocean (1941)

Battle of Wake Island
Office of the Pacific Theater of World War II
A destroyed Japanese patrol boat (#33) on Wake.
Date 8–23 December 1941

Wake Isle, U.S. territory

Event First attempt: American victory
Second attempt: Japanese victory
Nihon United States
Commanders and leaders
Empire of Japan Shigeyoshi Inoue
Empire of Japan Sadamichi Kajioka
Empire of Japan Shigematsu Sakaibara
Empire of Japan Eiji Gotō
Empire of Japan Tamon Yamaguchi
United States Winfield Due south. Cunningham (Pow)
United States James P.Due south. Devereux (Prisoner of war)
United States Paul A. Putnam (POW)
United States Henry T. Elrod
Showtime Attempt (11 Dec):
iii light cruisers
vi destroyers
2 patrol boats
2 troop transports
1 submarine tender
3 submarines
Reinforcements arriving for Second Attempt (23 December):
ii shipping carriers
2 heavy cruisers
2 destroyers
2,500 infantry[1]

449 USMC personnel consisting of:

  • 399 infantry of the 1st Defense force Battalion
  • 50 det. VMF-211
vi littoral artillery pieces
12 aircraft
12 anti-aircraft guns
68 U.South. Navy personnel
5 U.S. Ground forces personnel
Casualties and losses
Beginning attempt:
2 destroyers sunk
340 killed
65 wounded
2 missing[2]
2d attempt:
two patrol boats wrecked
ten shipping lost
20 aircraft damaged
144 casualties[3]
52 killed
49 wounded
ii missing
12 aircraft lost[iv]
433 captured[5]
70 civilians killed
1,104 civilians interned, of whom 180 died in captivity[6]

The Battle of Wake Island was a battle of the Pacific campaign of Globe War Ii, fought on Wake Island. The assault began simultaneously with the attack on Pearl Harbor naval and air bases in Hawaii on the morning of 8 December 1941 (7 December in Hawaii), and ended on 23 Dec, with the surrender of the American forces to the Empire of Nihon. It was fought on and around the atoll formed by Wake Island and its small islets of Peale and Wilkes Islands by the air, country, and naval forces of the Japanese Empire confronting those of the The states, with Marines playing a prominent role on both sides.

The isle was held by the Japanese for the duration of the Pacific War theater of Earth War II; the remaining Japanese garrison on the island surrendered to a detachment of U.s.a. Marines on iv September 1945, after the earlier surrender on 2 September 1945 on the battleship USSMissouri in Tokyo Bay to General Douglas MacArthur.[7]

Prelude [edit]

In Jan 1941, the U.s. Navy constructed a military base on the atoll. On 19 August, the outset permanent military garrison, elements of the 1st Marine Defense force Battalion[8] deployed to Wake Isle under the command of Major P.S. Devereux, USMC with a force of 450 officers and men. Despite the relatively pocket-sized size of the atoll, the Marines could not man all their defensive positions nor did they arrive with all their equipment, notably their air search radar units.[9] The Marine Detachment was supplemented past Marine Corps Fighter Squadron VMF-211, consisting of 12 F4F-iii Wildcat fighters, commanded by Marine aviator Major Paul A. Putnam, USMC. Likewise, present on the island were 68 U.S. Navy personnel and about 1,221 noncombatant workers for the Morrison-Knudsen Civil Engineering science Company. The workers were to comport out the company's construction plans for the isle. Well-nigh of these men were veterans of previous construction programs for the Boulder Dam, Bonneville Dam, or Chiliad Coulee Dam projects. Others were men who were in desperate situations and great need for money.[10] Xl-5 Chamorro men (native Micronesians from the Mariana Islands and Guam) were employed by Pan American Airways at the company'southward facilities on Wake Island, one of the stops on the Pan Am Clipper trans-Pacific amphibious air service initiated in 1935.

v"/51 caliber gun on Texas 1914.

iii"/50 caliber gun aboard Slater

The Marines were armed with six 5-inch (127 mm)/51 cal pieces, originating from the quondam battleship USSTexas; twelve 3 in (76 mm)/50 cal anti-aircraft guns (with only a single working anti-aircraft director amid them); eighteen .50 in (12.7 mm) Browning heavy machine guns; and xxx .thirty in (7.62 mm) heavy, medium and light h2o- and air-cooled auto guns.

On 28 Nov, naval aviator Commander Winfield S. Cunningham, USN reported to Wake to assume overall command of U.S. forces on the island. He had 10 days to examine the defenses and appraise his men before war broke out.

On half-dozen December, Japanese Submarine Sectionalisation 27 (Ro-65, Ro-66, Ro-67) was dispatched from Kwajalein Atoll to patrol and occludent the pending functioning.

December seven was a clear and bright day on Wake Island. Merely the previous day, Major Devereux did a practice drill for his Marines, which happened to be the outset 1 washed because of the great need to focus on the isle's defenses. The drill went well enough that Major Devereux commanded the men to balance on the Sabbath and take their fourth dimension relaxing, doing laundry, writing letters, thinking, cleaning, or doing whatever they wished.[11]

Initial attacks [edit]

On 8 December, just hours after receiving word of the assault on Pearl Harbor (Wake being on the reverse side of the International Appointment Line), 36 Japanese Mitsubishi G3M3 medium bombers flown from bases on the Republic of the marshall islands attacked Wake Isle, destroying eight of the 12 F4F-three Wildcats on the ground[12] and sinking the Nisqually, a sometime Blueprint 1023 cargo ship converted into a scow.[13] The remaining iv Wildcats were in the air patrolling, but because of poor visibility, failed to see the attacking Japanese bombers. These Wildcats shot down 2 bombers on the following solar day.[xiv] All of the Marine garrison's defensive emplacements were left intact by the raid, which primarily targeted the aircraft. Of the 55 Marine aviation personnel, 23 were killed and 11 were wounded.

Following this assault, the Pan Am employees were evacuated, forth with the passengers of the Philippine Clipper, a passing Martin 130 amphibious flying gunkhole that had survived the set on unscathed. The Chamorro working men were not allowed to board the airplane and were left backside.[15]

Two more air raids followed. The master camp was targeted on nine December, destroying the civilian hospital and the Pan Am air facility. The adjacent day, enemy bombers focused on outlying Wilkes Island. Following the raid on 9 December, the four antiaircraft guns had been relocated in case the Japanese had photographed the positions. Wooden replicas were erected in their place, and the Japanese bombers attacked the decoy positions. A lucky strike on a civilian dynamite supply prepare off a chain reaction and destroyed the munitions for the guns on Wilkes.[xv]

Showtime landing endeavor [edit]

Early on the forenoon of eleven December, the garrison, with the support of the four remaining Wildcats, repelled the first Japanese landing endeavour by the South Seas Force, which included the light cruisers Yubari, Tenryū, and Tatsuta; the relatively old Mutsuki and Kamikaze-class destroyers Yayoi, Mutsuki, Kisaragi, Hayate, Mochizuki and Oite, submarine tender Jingei, 2 armed merchantmen (Kinryu Maru and Kongō Maru), and 2 Momi-class destroyers converted to patrol boats that were reconfigured in 1941 to launch a landing craft over a stern ramp (Patrol Boat No. 32 and Patrol Boat No. 33) containing 450 Special Naval Landing Forcefulness troops. Submarines Ro-65, Ro-66, and Ro-67 patrolled nearby to secure the perimeter.

The US Marines fired at the invasion fleet with their vi 5-inch (127 mm) declension-defence force guns. Major Devereux, the Marine commander under Cunningham, ordered the gunners to hold their fire until the enemy moved within range of the coastal defenses. "Bombardment Fifty", on Peale islet, sank Hayate at a distance of 4,000 yd (three,700 m) with at least 2 direct hits to her magazines, causing her to explode and sink inside two minutes, in full view of the defenders on shore. Bombardment A claimed to accept hit Yubari several times, but her activity report makes no mention of any impairment.[two] The four Wildcats as well succeeded in sinking the destroyer Kisaragi past dropping a flop on her stern where the depth charges were stored, although some also suggest the bomb hitting elsewhere and an explosion amidships.[ citation needed ] Two destroyers were thus lost with nearly all hands (at that place was only one survivor, from Hayate), with Hayate becoming the first Japanese surface warship to be sunk in the state of war. The Japanese recorded 407 casualties during the showtime attempt.[2] The Japanese force withdrew without landing, suffering their first setback of the war against the Americans.

After the initial raid was fought off, American news media reported that, when queried about reinforcement and resupply, Commander Cunningham was reported to have quipped, "Send us more Japs!" In fact, Cunningham sent a long listing of critical equipment—including gunsights, spare parts, and fire-command radar—to his immediate superior: Commandant, 14th Naval Commune.[16] Only the siege and frequent Japanese air attacks on the Wake garrison continued, without resupply for the Americans.

Aborted USN relief attempt [edit]

Admiral Fletcher's Job Force 14 (TF–14) was tasked with the relief of Wake Island while Admiral Brown's Job Forcefulness 11 (TF–eleven) was to undertake a raid on the island of Jaluit in the Republic of the marshall islands as a diversion. A third task force, under Vice Admiral Halsey, centred around the Enterprise was tasked with supporting the other 2 job forces as the Japanese 2nd Carrier Partition (第二航空戦隊) remained in the surface area of operations, presenting a meaning risk.[17]

TF–14 consisted of the fleet carrier Saratoga, the fleet oiler Neches, the seaplane tender Tangier, 3 heavy cruisers (Astoria, Minneapolis, and San Francisco), and eight destroyers (Selfridge, Mugford, Jarvis, Patterson, Ralph Talbot, Henley, Blue, and Helm).[18] The convoy carried the 4th Marine Defense Battalion (Bombardment F, with four 3-inch AA guns, and Battery B, with two 5-inch/51 guns) and fighter squadron VMF-221, equipped with Brewster F2A-3 Buffalo fighters, along with three complete sets of Fire Control equipment for the 3-inch AA batteries already on the island, plus tools and spares; spare parts for the 5-inch coast defense guns and replacement fire control gear; 9,000 5-inch rounds, 12,000 3-inch (76 mm) rounds, and iii 1000000 .l-inch (12.7 mm) rounds; machine gun teams and service and support elements of the 4th Defense Battalion; VMF-221 Disengagement (the planes were embarked on Saratoga); likewise as an SCR-270 air search radar and an SCR-268 fire control radar for the 3-inch guns, and a large amount of ammunition for mortars and other battalion small arms.

TF–xi consisted of the fleet carrier Lexington, the fleet oiler Neosho, three heavy cruisers (Indianapolis, Chicago and Portland), and the ix destroyers of Destroyer Squadron i (squadron flagship Phelps along with Dewey, Hull, MacDonough, Worden, Aylwin, Farragut, Dale, and Monaghan).[17]

At 21:00 on 22 December, subsequently receiving information indicating the presence of two IJN carriers and two fast battleships (which were actually heavy cruisers) near Wake Island, Vice Admiral William S. Pye—the Acting Commander in Primary of the U.S. Pacific Fleet—ordered TF 14 to return to Pearl Harbor.[xix]

2d assault [edit]

Japanese Patrol Boat No.32 (left) and Patrol Boat No.33

The initial resistance offered by the garrison prompted the Japanese Navy to disassemble the Second Carrier Division (Sōryū and Hiryū) along with its escorts eighth Crusier Division (Chikuma and Tone), and the 17th Destroyer Division (Tanikaze and Urakaze), all fresh from the assault on Pearl Harbor; every bit well as 6th Crusier Sectionalisation (Kinugasa, Aoba, Kako, and Furutaka), destroyer Oboro, seaplane tender Kiyokawa Maru, and transport/minelayer Tenyo Maru from the invasion of Guam; and 29th Destroyer Division (Asanagi and Yūnagi) from the invasion of the Gilbert Islands, to support the assault.[20] The 2d Japanese invasion force came on 23 December, equanimous mostly of the ships from the first attempt plus 1,500 Japanese marines. The landings began at 02:35; after a preliminary bombardment, the ex-destroyers Patrol Gunkhole No. 32 and Patrol Boat No. 33 were beached and burned in their attempts to land the invasion force. After a full night and morning time of fighting, the Wake garrison surrendered to the Japanese past mid-afternoon.

The U.s. Marines lost 49 killed, two missing, and 49 wounded during the 15-day siege, while three US Navy personnel and at least 70 United states civilians were killed, including ten Chamorros, and 12 civilians wounded. 433 U.s. personnel were captured. The Japanese captured all men remaining on the isle, the bulk of whom were civilian contractors employed past the Morrison-Knudsen Company.[21]

Japanese losses were 144 casualties, 140 SNLF and Army casualties with another iv aboard ships.[iii] At least 28 land-based and carrier aircraft were too either shot downward or damaged.

Captain Henry T. Elrod, 1 of the pilots from VMF-211, was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for his actions on the isle: he shot down two Japanese G3M Nells, sank the Japanese destroyer Kisaragi, and led ground troops later no flyable U.Due south. aircraft remained. A special military machine decoration, the Wake Island Device, affixed to either the Navy Expeditionary Medal or the Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal, was created to award those who had fought in the defense of the island.

The only Marine to escape capture or death on Wake Island was Lieut. Col. Walter Bayler who departed on a United states of america Navy PBY Catalina on 20th December. He was therefore able to provide an accurate recounting of the actual happenings on Wake Island to the press and people of America, while also providing photos and maps of the island. He was also published in a nationwide mag about the attack. The only reason Bayler was able to leave Wake Island was because he was a radio technician, and thus his services and abilities were greatly needed elsewhere. Therefore, he left in the but aeroplane that was available.[22]

Japanese occupation [edit]

Assault by Yorktown planes in October 1943

Fearing an imminent invasion, the Japanese reinforced Wake Island with more formidable defenses. The American captives were ordered to build a series of bunkers and fortifications on Wake. The Japanese brought in an eight-inch (200 mm) naval gun which is ofttimes incorrectly[23] reported as having been captured in Singapore. The U.S. Navy established a submarine blockade instead of an amphibious invasion of Wake Isle. As a result, the Japanese garrison starved, which led to their hunting the Wake Isle Rail, an endemic bird, to extinction.

On 24 Feb 1942, aircraft from the carrier Enterprise attacked the Japanese garrison on Wake Island. U.Due south. forces bombed the island periodically from 1942 until Japan'due south surrender in 1945. On 24 July 1943, Consolidated B-24 Liberators led past Lieutenant Jesse Stay of the 42nd Squadron (11th Battery Grouping) of the U.S. Army Air Forces, in transit from Midway Island, struck the Japanese garrison on Wake Island. At least ii men from that raid were awarded Distinguished Flying Crosses for their efforts.[24] Time to come President George H. Due west. Bush also flew his showtime combat mission equally a naval aviator over Wake Island. Later this, Wake was occasionally raided but never attacked en masse.

War crimes [edit]

On v Oct 1943, American naval aircraft from Lexington raided Wake. Two days subsequently, fearing an imminent invasion, Japanese Rear Admiral Shigematsu Sakaibara ordered the execution of the 98 convict American civilian workers who had initially been kept to perform forced labor. They were taken to the northern end of the isle, blindfolded and executed with a machine gun. One of the prisoners (whose name has never been discovered) escaped, plainly returning to the site to carve the message "98 US PW 5-10-43" on a large coral rock near where the victims had been hastily buried in a mass grave. The unknown American was recaptured, and Sakaibara personally beheaded him with a katana. The inscription on the rock can withal exist seen and is a Wake Island landmark.[25]

On 4 September 1945, the remaining Japanese garrison surrendered to a detachment of United States Marines under the control of Brigadier General Lawson H. M. Sanderson, with the handover being officially conducted in a brief ceremony aboard the destroyer escort Levy.[26] Earlier the garrison received news that Majestic Nippon's defeat was imminent, so the mass grave was chop-chop exhumed and the bones were moved to the U.S. cemetery that had been established on Peacock Indicate afterwards the invasion, with wooden crosses erected in training for the expected arrival of U.South. forces. During the initial interrogations, the Japanese claimed that the remaining 98 Americans on the island were by and large killed by an American bombing raid, though some escaped and fought to the decease after being cornered on the embankment at the north end of Wake Island.[27] Several Japanese officers in American custody committed suicide over the incident, leaving written statements that incriminated Sakaibara.[28] Sakaibara and his subordinate, Lt. Cmdr. Tachibana, were later sentenced to death afterward conviction for this and other war crimes. Sakaibara was executed by hanging in Guam on June 18, 1947, while Tachibana's sentence was commuted to life in prison.[29] The remains of the murdered civilians were exhumed and reburied at Department Thou of the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, ordinarily known as Punchbowl Crater, on Honolulu.[30]

Guild of boxing [edit]

American forces [edit]

  • CinCPac
    • Commandant, 14th Naval Commune
      • Isle Commander, Wake. Cmdr. Winfield S. Cunningham, USN
   1st Marine Defence Battalion Detachment, Wake – Major James P.S. Devreaux
Unit Commander Remarks
five-inch Artillery Group Maj. George H. Potter Batteries A, B and Fifty
3-inch Artillery Group Capt. Bryght D. Godbold Batteries D, East and F
VMF-211 (Marine Corps Fighter Squadron) Maj. Paul A. Putnam Equipped with 12 Grumman F4F-three Wildcat fighters

A memorial to the Wake Island defenders stands near the command mail of Major Devereux

In popular culture [edit]

The battle is depicted in the 1942 movie Wake Island.

The boxing was prominently featured in the video game Battlefield 1942, and its popularity inspired renditions of mostly-ahistorical fictional battles on the island in several later installments of the series. To date it has too been featured in Battlefield two, Battlefield Heroes, Battlefield 2142, Battleground 1943, Battleground 3, and Battlefield Five, though the Battleground V version would wrongly depict the battle by having the American forces invade the isle on Conquest and Breakthrough while the Japanese forces defend, rather than the other way effectually, and the Battlefield 2 and 3 versions would have the Americans invade and characteristic the People's Liberation Army and the Russian Armed services instead of the Japanese.

In the figurer strategy game Carriers at War, there is a separate scenario depicting the relief attempt that was canceled by Admiral Pye. The US player commands the US carrier task forces and the task forcefulness built around the seaplane tender USS Tangier that was to reinforce the island.

In the picture Pulp Fiction, the grapheme Butch Coolidge is given a gold scout by Captain Koons, and told a story of the sentry's time in the Coolidge family unit. Koons describes how Butch's gramps, Dane, was killed in the battle of Wake Island. [31] [32]

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Naval and air personnel not included.
  2. ^ a b c Slow 2007, p. 24.
  3. ^ a b Dull 2007, p. 26.
  4. ^ Martin Gilbert, the 2d Earth War (1989) p. 282
  5. ^ 20 after died in captivity
  6. ^ "The Defence force of Wake". Ibiblio.org/.
  7. ^ "War in the Pacific NHP: Liberation - Guam Remembers". nps.gov. Archived from the original on 2012-12-17. Retrieved 2014-09-13 .
  8. ^ 1st Marine Defence Battalion Archived Baronial 25, 2005, at the Wayback Automobile
  9. ^ with only 449 Marines on hand for the battles at Wake Island because i officer [Major Walter Baylor], USMC had been ordered to exit on 20 December with official reports.
  10. ^ Urwin, Gregory J. W. (2011-01-fifteen). Victory in Defeat: The Wake Island Defenders in Captivity. Naval Found Press. ISBN978-i-61251-004-0.
  11. ^ Moran, Jim (2011-09-20). Wake Island 1941: A battle to brand the gods weep. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN978-1-84908-943-two.
  12. ^ Urwin, Gregory. "Battle of Wake Isle". Encyclopædia Britannica.
  13. ^ "US ships lost in the Pacific during World War Two". USMM.org. Retrieved 3 January 2014.
  14. ^ "Battle of Wake Island, viii-23 December 1941". historyofwar.org. Retrieved 2014-09-13 .
  15. ^ a b Cunningham, W. Scott (1961). Wake Island Command. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company. OCLC 464544704.
  16. ^ Robert J. Cressman, A Magnificent Fight: Marines in the Defence force of Wake Island, World War Ii Commemorative Series, ed. Benis 1000. Frank (Marine Corps Historical Center: Washington, D.C.:1998). Electronic version - accessed 6-10-2006
  17. ^ a b Nasuti, Guy (Dec 2016). "The Forsaken Defenders of Wake Island". Naval History and Heritage Command.
  18. ^ Wheeler, Gerald E. (April 1, 1996). Kinkaid of the Seventh Armada: A Biography of Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid, U.Due south. Navy. Naval Historical Center. p. 143. ISBN978-0945274261.
  19. ^ Lundstrom, John B. (1990). The first squad : Pacific naval air gainsay from Pearl Harbor to Midway (1st Naval Institute Press pbk. ed.). Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press. ISBNane-59114-471-X . Retrieved ii May 2018.
  20. ^ Heinly Jr., R. D. The Defense of Wake (PDF). Segmentation of Public Information - United States Marine Corps.
  21. ^ A MAGNIFICENT FIGHT: Marines in the Battle for Wake Island Archived May 12, 2014, at the Wayback Machine
  22. ^ Conville, Martin (23 May 1943). "Total Story of Drastic Wake Island Boxing Told". Los Angeles Times. p. C5. ProQuest 165422622.
  23. ^ "Dirk H.R. Spennemann, 8-inch Coastal Defense Guns". marshall.csu.edu.au. Retrieved 2014-09-xiii .
  24. ^ Scearce, Phil; "Terminate 40 and Dwelling house", pgs 113-114.
  25. ^ "The 98 Rock". Atlas Obscura . Retrieved 2019-01-16 .
  26. ^ Jim Moran (xx September 2011). Wake Island 1941: A battle to make the gods weep. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 84, 92. ISBN978-1-84908-604-ii.
  27. ^ Maj. Mark E. Hubbs, U.S. Army Reserve (Retired). "Massacre on Wake Isle". Archived from the original on February 14, 2008. Retrieved February xviii, 2011.
  28. ^ "Sakaibara Shigematsu | Japanese military officer". Encyclopedia Britannica . Retrieved 2019-01-xvi .
  29. ^ Headsman (2009-06-eighteen). "1947: Shigematsu Sakaibara, "I obey with pleasure"". ExecutedToday.com.
  30. ^ Administration, National Cemetery. "National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific - National Cemetery Administration". www.cem.va.gov . Retrieved 2019-01-16 .
  31. ^ https://stephenfollows.com/resource-docs/scripts/Pulp_Fiction.pdf
  32. ^ Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine: "Pulp Fiction - the gilt sentry monologue". YouTube.

References [edit]

  • Deadening, Paul (2007). A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1941-1945. Naval Found Press. ISBN978-1591142195.

Further reading [edit]

  • Burton (2006). Fortnight of Infamy: The Plummet of Allied Airpower West of Pearl Harbor. US Naval Found Press. ISBN1-59114-096-10.
  • Cressman, Robert J. (2005). A Magnificent Fight: The Battle for Wake Island. Naval Found Press. ISBNone-55750-140-8.
  • Cunningham, Chet (2002). Hell Wouldn't Finish: An Oral History of the Battle of Wake Island. Carroll & Graf. ISBN0-7867-1096-ix.
  • Dennis, Jim Moran (2011). Wake Island 1941 : a battle to make the gods cry. Osprey Entrada Serial. Vol. 144. Illustrated by Peter Dennis. Oxford: Osprey Pub. ISBN978-1-84908-603-5.
  • Devereux, Colonel James P.S. (1997) [Outset published 1947]. The story of Wake Island. Nashville: Bombardment Press. ISBN0-89839-264-0.
  • Sloan, Bill (2003). Given upward for dead : America's heroic stand at Wake Island . New York: Bantam Books. ISBN0-553-80302-6.
  • Toll, Ian Due west. (2011). Pacific Crucible: War at Bounding main in the Pacific, 1941–1942. New York: W. Westward. Norton.
  • Uwrin, Gregory J.W. (1997). Facing Fearful Odds: The Siege of Wake Island. University of Nebraska Press. ISBN0-8032-9562-half-dozen.
  • Wukovits, John (2003). Pacific Alamo: The Boxing for Wake Island. NAL Trade. ISBN0-451-20873-0.

External links [edit]

Spoken Wikipedia icon

This audio file was created from a revision of this commodity dated 19 June 2016 (2016-06-xix), and does not reflect subsequent edits.

  • The Defense force of Wake
  • A Magnificent Fight: Marines in the Battle for Wake Isle
  • USS Wake Isle CVE-65 History
  • A Virtual Cemetery for Wake Isle Defenders on Notice A Grave
  • Wake Island Account
  • Business relationship of the killed civilians
  • Wake Island Civilian Survivors Association
  • Wake Island Civilian POW accounts
  • Wake Isle Noncombatant Pw Account
  • Wake Island Civilian POW Account
  • Executed Today on the executed Civilians
  • Massacre on wake Island
  • Wake Island (1942) at IMDb
  • Wake Island: Alamo of the Pacific (2003) at IMDb
  • Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (2000–2005). "To Hell and Back: Wake During and Later on World War Ii". Digital Micronesia. Charles Sturt University. Retrieved 2007-01-23 .

Coordinates: 19°17′24″N 166°36′04″E  /  19.2900°N 166.6010°E  / 19.2900; 166.6010


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Wake_Island

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